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Farm Frenzy Forum

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how can I get a gold medal on the l...

how can I get a gold medal on the level that requires just 1 sheep? I can seem to beat the time limit of 2:50.

By txvixen
I'm stuck on that same one, but its been almost a week since I asked for some help and have gotten no answer. I get so close each time.
By dk
I've achieved this twice but don't remember how. I'm playing it again & again to try to figure out how I did it.... to be continued...
By dk
This is my first "Tip" post so I hope it helps.

Level: Bottom row, 1st badge/medal-requires/goal 1 sheep

1.Immediately buy 2 geese- water them low on screen
2. catch bear* and send bear to market
3. catch bear-collect 1 egg & begin/continue to process to make cake 1 (don't wait for both geese to lay eggs @ this point)
4. sell bear-(continue collecting, processing,baking eggs 2 @ a time from now on)
5. catch/sell bear and 1 cake
6. sell bear & 2 cakes
7. wait til you have 1 bear and 4 cakes to sell-SELL
8. as soon as truck is back buy sheep!-You may have a few seconds to spare (The clock usually reads 2:19 when I'm done)!

*you will only be able to store one bear [do NOT upgrade storage] at a time but catch them all so they don't toss your cat or geese...if they break free it is ok-just always have 1 in storage to sell

IMPORTANT-After sending truck in step 7 don't bother to trap bears, collect, process, bake or water don't need them...and your $$$ will be tight
By dk
Can anyone help me with:

Top horizontal row
Badge #10 (goals 20 cakes, 1 sheep & 2 fabric in under 5:10)

Bottom Horizontal row
Badge #13 (goals 8 butter & 1 cheese in under 6:30)

These are our legacy forums. Please go to the game walkthrough and scroll to the bottom for our new forums.