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I had to go back and play Badge #13...

I had to go back and play Badge #13 on the bottom horizontal row several times before I remembered how I got the gold. Here is how I did it:

Immediately upgrade your storage shed once and feed your sheep at the bottom. You'll catch a bear right away, so send it to the market.

Proceed to collect wool and process it into cloth while catching and selling bears.

Upgrade your storage shed one more time and your truck once. This will allow you to sell bears and cloth more quickly.

As soon as you can afford it, buy a cow. Start collecting and processing milk into butter.

Continue to sell butter, cloth and bears until you have at least 33500 gold, then sell off your sheep and cow.

When the truck returns after selling the sheep and cow, build your cheese processor immediately and start the cheese processing. Go ahead and sell everything else out of your storage shed that will fit on the truck. Wait for the cheese to finish and click on it ASAP. You should finish this in under 6 minutes and 15 seconds. Good luck!

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