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Westward 2: Heroes of the Frontier Forum


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I'm in the mine now and when I figh...

I'm in the mine now and when I fight a bandit I die but I don't come back to life, I've had to start the mission over 3 times, is there a secret? I thought my hero always comes back to life!!!

By lucy
Wow... How can that possibly happen? I mean, it's ~programmed~ right into the game that your hero can NOT die!
Is there a message that pops up? If so, what does it say?
You might have to uninstall/re-install your game b/c what you describe is technically impossible.
By karen91262
I don't get a message when he dies, it just gives me the window to retry mission, load game or abort mission.

I just tried uninsall/re-install and went back to it and the same thing happened, when my hero died I got the the window to restart the mission.

I'm so bummed, if you can think of anything else I can do I'll try it cause I really can't go on with the game at this point :-(

By lucy
Yes. Abort the mission and gather more gunslingers to bring with you. Build an extra Saloon if you have to. If I remember correctly, the mine quest was a little "buggy" with me as well (must be a programming issue). My problems were different though... but still, it was the only quest with issues.

Yep. My only suggestion is to go in there armed to the teeth!
Good luck & lemme know if that helps!
By karen91262
Well that was cool...I took some gunslingers with me and that seem to put everything right, my hero was able to fight and come back after getting killed. Thanks a bunch for that suggestion :-)
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