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Farm Frenzy 2 Forum

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Crossroads 8: *buy 1 cow immediate...

Crossroads 8:

*buy 1 cow immediately
*upgrade your storehouse once; so it can host two bears at a time
*buy one milkbottles after app. 10 secs (you have two catch and ship two bears before you store the bottles)
*upgrade your car once
*make one cheese and sell it together with your cow and one butter. That should give you enough money to buy an ostriche
(*don't forget to keep the car running with bears all the time)
*buy two hats and two cloth
*when the ostriche's produced two feathers, sell it to build your dress-factory
*upgrade your car to the maximum
*wait til you got the two dresses and ship them off right a way

By mmoni
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