Walkthrough | Casual Game Guides

A Gnome's Home: The Great Crystal Crusade: Levels 51 to 60

A Gnome's Home: The Great Crystal Crusade Walkthrough will be your loyal companion as you set forth to save the kingdom of the gnomes from the evil witch. The underworld gnomes' kingdom was happy and rich with the help of the magic crystal's powers. But, one day an evil witch stole the crystal and now the gnomes' kingdom lies in ruin. With video solutions of each and every level, you'll have no trouble defeating the evil witch and returning the magic crystal to the gnome kingdom.

The following contains solutions to Levels 51 - 60 from the CGG [b]A Gnome's Home Walkthrough[/b]! [b]Level 51[/b] [LIST] [item]Work down the road and collect 50 [/item] [item]Work up to sawmill and down the road [/item] [item]Upgrade the sawmill and staff twice [/item] [item]Staff the jam factory as you reach it [/item] [item]Clear to the second sawmill and staff it[/item] [/LIST][youtube]http://www.youtube.com/embed/r5YW0urqhNQ[/youtube] [b]Level 52[/b] [LIST] [item]Clear to the jam factories and fully staff [/item] [item]Don't forget the obstruction to the right of the top jam factory [/item] [item]Use freeze time [/item] [item]Unstaff the bottom factory and use the worker for the last obstructions[/item] [/LIST][youtube]http://www.youtube.com/embed/z39yhCEtJtc[/youtube] [b]Level 53[/b] [LIST] [item]Clear road to the left [/item] [item]Staff the jam factory and then the sawmill and second jam factory [/item] [item]Keep working out the road [/item] [item]Upgrade the jam factory and staff [/item] [item]Use freeze bonus [/item] [item]You do not need to remove the last rock on the road[/item] [/LIST][youtube]http://www.youtube.com/embed/ycn4iH9I7sM[/youtube] [b]Level 54[/b] [LIST] [item]Clear down the road; give this first priority. [/item] [item]Collect all supplies [/item] [item]Repair jam factory and staff it [/item] [item]Staff the lumber mill [/item] [item]Repair the stone mine and staff it [/item] [item]Work to second stone mine and staff it [/item] [item]Freeze time [/item] [/LIST][youtube]http://www.youtube.com/embed/xBBUHutNVsI[/youtube] [b]Level 55[/b] [LIST] [item]Start in clearing all 3 roads [/item] [item]Collect gold [/item] [item]Staff the first jam factory and then the second one when you get to it [/item] [item]Keep clearing down the roads [/item] [item]Get to second gold pile and collect it [/item] [item]Collect berries [/item] [item]Use freeze time [/item] [item]Keep clearing the road [/item] [item]Repair the sawmill and staff it [/item] [item]Clear the monster [/item] [item]Repair the gold mine and staff it [/item] [item]Keep collecting berries [/item] [/LIST][youtube]http://www.youtube.com/embed/4IhiijUUluQ[/youtube] [b]Level 56[/b] [LIST] [item]Pick berries [/item] [item]Clear down the road [/item] [item]Staff the jam factory as you pass it [/item] [item]Collect gold [/item] [item]Keep clearing the road [/item] [item]Clear the monster [/item] [item]Staff the sawmill [/item] [item]Clear to stone mine [/item] [item]Repair and upgrade the stone mine[/item] [/LIST][youtube]http://www.youtube.com/embed/0W1jU3f5Sl8[/youtube] [b]Level 57[/b] [LIST] [item]Staff the two jam factories [/item] [item]Clear the road to sawmill, repair, and staff it [/item] [item]Clear to stone mines, repair one and staff it [/item] [item]Repair the gold mine and staff it [/item] [item]Clear the monster [/item] [item]Repair the second stone mine when you have the wood and staff it [/item] [item]Unstaff the gold mine [/item] [item]Clear to the bridge [/item] [item]Unstaff the sawmill [/item] [item]Staff the bridge with all available workers[/item] [/LIST][youtube]http://www.youtube.com/embed/vzDuGnxmzGI[/youtube] [b]Level 58[/b] [LIST] [item]Clear down the road [/item] [item]Staff the first jam factory [/item] [item]Clear to sawmill, repair, and staff it [/item] [item]Upgrade the sawmill and staff it [/item] [item]Repair the gold mine and staff it [/item] [item]Repair the jam factory and staff it [/item] [item]Keep clearing down the road [/item] [item]Remove the monster [/item] [item]Repair the last factory[/item] [/LIST][youtube]http://www.youtube.com/embed/Qb6-SiddZeg[/youtube] [b]Level 59[/b] Collect berries Clear to the sawmill, repair and staff it Upgrade the sawmill and staff it Clear to jam factory and staff it Clear down the road and remove gorilla Collect berries Clear to right stone mine and repair it Clear to the left stone mine and repair it [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/embed/4dn89hCRyQA[/youtube] [b]Level 60[/b] [LIST] [item]Clear down the road and collect berries [/item] [item]At split go in both directions [/item] [item]Staff jam factory [/item] [item]Clear to sawmill and staff it [/item] [item]Clear down to the gold mine, repair, upgrade and staff it [/item] [item]Use the speed up factory bonus after the gold mine is running [/item] [item]Clear the monster [/item] [item]Repair and upgrade the second gold mine[/item] [/LIST][youtube]http://www.youtube.com/embed/GmBaDqDzmDY[/youtube] Congratulations! You've made it through Levels 51 - 60 of our [b]A Gnome's Home: The Great Crystal Crusade Walkthrough[/b]!