Farm Frenzy 3: Funny's Farm in the Arctic

Goals: 10 Feathers; 2 Colored Feathers; 10 Penguins
Times: Gold-3:20; Silver-4:20
Requirement: Level 1 Feather Factory

  • Purchase 3 penguins and purchase 5 flours.
  • Put the first 3 eggs into the powder factory.
  • Sell 2 feathers and 3 cakes.
  • Send the next 3 eggs into the incubator.
  • Purchase 10 flours and upgrade the truck and warehouse.
  • Collect 10 eggs for cakes then send the next 4 eggs into the incubator.
  • Cage and sell 3 bears.
  • Sell 5 cakes and 5 penguins after you have 10 penguins.
  • Purchase the feather factory when the truck returns.
  • Sell the other 5 penguins, cakes and cookies.
  • Purchase another king penguin to aid in collecting the 10 feathers.

Goals: 4 Colored Feathers: 1 Decoration; 5 Cakes
Times: Gold-2:10; Silver-3:10
Requirement: Level 1 Decoration Factory

  • Purchase 3 penguins and 5 flours.
  • Sell the penguins after 5 eggs have been collected. Make colored feathers 1 at a time.
  • Expedite the cake production in order to have the 5 cakes completed when the Royal penguins produce the fourth feather.
  • Cage the bears; but try not to warehouse as this will fill the warehouse making it necessary to upgrade the warehouse.
  • Sell the 5 cakes and the 2 Royal penguins (make sure there are 4 feathers total) for $2,000.
  • Purchase the decoration factory and produce 1 decoration. Expedite production.

Goals: 10 Colored Feathers; 12 Decorations; 2 Royal Penguins
Times: Gold-3:40; Silver-4:40
Requirements: Level 2 Feather and Decoration Factories

  • Upgrade the warehouse and truck
  • Collect 20 eggs then sell the penguins. Upgrade the truck again after selling penguins.
  • Make cakes 5 at a time and purchase flours 10 at a time until 20 flours have been collected.
  • Make colored feathers and decorations 1 at a time for now.
  • Sell the cakes and decorations.
  • Purchase another royal penguin when $1,000 plus has been collected.
  • Upgrade the feather and decoration factories and expedite production.

Goals: 18 Colored Feathers; 20 Decorations; 5 Cakes
Times: Gold-3:20; Silver-4:20
Requirements: Level 3 Feather and Decoration Factories

  • Upgrade the truck and warehouse 1 time
  • Purchase a penguin and 5 flours.
  • Produce colored feathers and decorations 2 at a time and cakes 1 at a time. It will take almost the complete level to produce the cakes.
  • Sell bears, decorations and cakes. You might want to upgrade the truck 1 more time.
  • Collect 20 feathers total then sell the royal penguins.
  • Upgrade the feather and decoration factories and expedite production.

Goals: 24 Colored Feathers; 24 Decorations; 20 Eggs; 4 Royal Penguins
Times: Gold-3:10; Silver-4:10
Requirements: Level 4 Feather and Decoration Factories

  • Sell the walrus.
  • When the truck returns, purchase another royal penguin.
  • Upgrade the warehouse 1 time and the truck twice.
  • Sell all bears.
  • Incubate eggs 5 at a time until you have 15-20 penguins and produce colored feathers and decorations 3 at a time for now.
  • After 20 eggs have been collected keep 6 penguins and sell the rest. Keep incubating eggs 5 at a time.
  • Sell bears, decorations and 5 penguins at a time and upgrade the feather factory.
  • After 24 feathers have been collected, sell the royal penguins and upgrade the decoration factory and expedite production.

Goals: 30 Colored Feathers; 30 Decorations: 1 Walrus; 5 Cakes
Times: Gold-4:20; Silver-5:20
Requirements: Level 5 Feather and Decoration Factories

  • Purchase 2 royal penguins and 3 penguins.
  • Upgrade the truck and the cake factory 2 times and the warehouse 1 time.
  • Purchase 15-flours total; purchase 10 flours first then send the helicopter again for 5.
  • Produce cakes 5 at a time and feather products 4 at a time.
  • Sell bears, decorations and cakes as they become available.
  • Sell the regular penguins after 15 eggs have been collected.
  • Sell the royal penguins after 30 feathers have been collected.
  • Purchase the walrus and then sell.
  • Upgrade the feather and decoration factories.

Goals: 20 Costumes; 10 Cakes; 5 Walruses; $30,000
Times: Gold-4:00; Silver-5:00
Requirement: Level 4 Fitting Room

  • Upgrade the truck and sell the walrus.
  • Purchase 3 royal penguins and 3 fabrics and upgrade the warehouse and truck one time.
  • Produce the feather related products 3 at a time. Expedite the process as much as possible. Especially expedite the first 3 feathers and costume the bears expediting the process.
  • Cage and warehouse the bears; sell the bears after they have been costumed.
  • Make costumes 3 at a time.
  • Sell the 3 costumed bears and purchase 3 penguins when the truck returns.
  • Upgrade the truck to max and the warehouse and helicopter 2 times.
  • Purchase 10 fabrics; then purchase 7 additional fabrics. Then send for 10 flours.
  • Costume 7 bears; then purchase all the egg powder, cookie and cake factories and upgrade completely. Make cakes 5 at a time expediting process.
  • Sell the royal penguins when 20 feathers have been collected. Sell the penguins when 10 eggs have been collected.
  • Purchase 5 walrus.

Goals: 5 Walruses; 10 Royal Penguins; 20 Penguins
Times: Gold-3:20; Silver-4:20
Requirement: Level 5 Fitting Room

  • Upgrade the truck and warehouse 2 times.
  • Purchase 3 fabrics.
  • Manufacture costumes 5 at a time.
  • Costume 3 bears and sell.
  • Upgrade warehouse, truck and helicopter to max.
  • Purchase 15 fabrics.
  • Purchase a cat and 5 penguins.
  • Costume bears and sell as quickly as possible.
  • Place 5 eggs into incubator at a time.
  • Purchase 5 Royal Penguins and sell. If you lose an animal to the bears purchase additional animals to make goals.
  • Sell the Royal Penguins and purchase 5 walruses.
  • Purchase additional penguins to meet goal if needed.

Goals: 5 Cakes; 5 Costumes; 5 Penguins
Times: Gold-3:00; Silver-4:00
Requirement: none

  • Upgrade the truck 1 time and sell the walrus.
  • Purchase 2 Royal Penguins.
  • Upgrade the helicopter 1 time and purchase 5 fabrics.
  • Upgrade the warehouse 2 times.
  • Purchase the feather, decoration and sewing factories and start making the 5 costumes. Upgrade each factory 1 time after selling some costumed bears.
  • Sell the Royal Penguins after 5 feathers have been collected.
  • Dress 4 bears in costumes and sell the other bears.
  • Purchase 5 flours.
  • Place eggs into the incubator until you have 3-5 penguins; then collect 5 eggs; then sell the penguins.
  • After the fifth colored feather has been produced, purchase the egg powder plant and upgrade to the max. and make 5 egg powders.
  • After the fifth decoration has been produced; purchase the cookie factory and upgrade to max and make 5 cookies.
  • After the fifth costume has been produced; purchase the cake factory upgrade to max and manufacture 5 cakes.

Goals: 3 Royal Penguins; 1 Cake; $10,000
Times: Gold-2:20; Silver-3:20
Requirement: none

  • Purchase a penguin and 2 fabrics and 1 flour along with all feather related factories.
  • Upgrade the truck 1 time.
  • Try not to fill the well.
  • Collect 1 egg and 2 feathers then sell both penguins.
  • Start the feather production as soon as possible and expedite the process. As soon as the second feather is completed start the egg related production.
  • Expedite the factory productions as much as possible.
  • When the truck returns, upgrade the truck.
  • Cage 2 bears; then dress 1 bear in a costume. Let the other bears walk around for now.
  • Sell the dressed bear along with a regular bear.
  • Sell another dressed bear along with a regular bear. This should make the money goal.
  • When the truck returns the cake should be completed or nearly completed. Purchase 3 royal penguins.

Goals: 5 Egg Powder; 5 Colored Feathers; 1 Cake; 2 Walruses
Times: Gold-2:40; Silver-3:40
Requirement: none

  • Upgrade the truck 2 times and the warehouse 1 time.
  • Sell a tusk and the walrus.
  • Cage the bear and keep in the warehouse.
  • Purchase 3 fabrics and the feather producing factories when the truck returns.
  • Incubate eggs until you have 5 penguins; then collect 5 egg sand sell the penguins.
  • Costume 1 bear and sell.
  • Sell the royal penguin when 5 feathers have been collected.
  • Costume 2 more bears and sell.
  • Purchase 1 flour.
  • Purchase the cake producing factories after completing 3 costumes. Expedite cake production.
  • Purchase 2 walruses.

Goals: 2 Fabric; 2 Decorations; $10,000
Times: Gold-1:50; Silver-2:50
Requirements: none

  • Upgrade the truck and sell all the penguins.
  • Capture the bear and store in the warehouse.
  • Purchase 2 decorations and 1 fabric.
  • Make a costume and dress the bear expediting production; then sell.
  • When the truck returns, upgrade the helicopter 1 time and purchase 1 fabric.
  • Capture another bear and store in the warehouse.
  • Make another costume and dress the bear expediting production.
  • Upgrade the truck to the max and sell the dressed bear.

Goals: 3 Penguins; 5 Costumes; 5 Cakes
Times: Gold-3:10; Silver-4:10
Requirements: none

  • Upgrade the truck.
  • Sell 1 tusk and the walrus.
  • When the truck returns, purchase 3 penguins, the sewing factory and 2 fabrics and 2 decorations.
  • Upgrade the warehouse and keep 2-3 bears to costume later. Sell the other bears.
  • Sell one bear as soon as it’s costumed; when the truck returns, upgrade the helicopter one time and purchase 3 decorations and 3 fabrics.
  • Upgrade the sewing factory to a level 2 to process the last 3 costumes and expedite production.
  • Dress 1-2 bears while purchasing a level 3 egg powder and a level 3 cookie factory.
  • When the helicopter returns, purchase 5 flours.
  • Make 5 cookies and sell the penguins with a costumed bear.
  • After the 5 costumes are made; purchase a level 5 cake factory and make 5 cakes at one time.